Stepping Out In Faith
This was a defining moment. The girls had been playing and sliding down the waterfall for about an hour. And for about 55 minutes, they had begged and pleaded with their brother to go with them. One problem: he is still learning to swim, and a little afraid of the water. Finally they talked him into going up. He stood there for a good 3-4 looong minutes, and we all continued to gently encourage him. At this exact moment, he grabbed his sister’s hand and trusted her enough to take a step out into the water. 

He owned the “water slide” after that. It only takes once to step out in faith and experience a taste of success, and honestly a whole lot of fun in the process. 

What has been lurking just around the corner that you have wanted to try? What have you been a little afraid of? Today I encourage you to take that step out. Grab onto someone’s hand. Let me help encourage you. Don’t let fear stop you from moving forward, getting better, and trying something new. Own it, and have a little (or a lot) of fun in the process! 

I would love to help you in your personal growth process, and together we can create your own personal coaching plan. God’s perfect plan is waiting for you! Send me a message saying “I’m ready!”, or visit my website to book a free discovery call with me. Blessings to you!


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