3 Things That The Bible Says About Emotions

3 Things That The Bible Says About Emotions
Hey, Sisters! I have always been fascinated by emotions, so I have wanted to deep dive into what the Bible says about them for a verrry long time now.  I believe God did some of his most incredible work with us when he added emotions to the human equation. We all have them, and some of us are more emotional than others, which isn’t a good or a bad thing. It is just the way we are! Hang in there with me while we go 3 things the Bible says about them! 

1. God created us full of emotions on purpose. 
“So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

I am so glad that he didn’t just want to create robots; he wanted individuals who could feel, interact, communicate, and love him and each other.  God and Jesus both expressed emotions throughout the stories of the Bible, and because the Bible is about real people, emotions are all over the place! Let's talk about some of them. 

God himself expresses a range of emotions in the Bible. 

In Genesis 25 “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” we see that he was pleased, happy. When we get to Genesis 6:6, he expressed regret in his creation’s choices and his heart was grieved. God’s feelings of joy are evident in Zephaniah 3:17, where “he will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”. There are several verses that capture God’s anger - Psalms 7:11, Psalms 78:59, and 1 Kings 11:9-10. He is a jealous God, he is a righteous God, and gets angry when his character is violated. He wants us to love and obey him, because he wants the best for us. It is not un-human for us to experience anger, but it is clear that it should not lead to sin. God is also full of compassion for his children. In Psalms 145:8, it says, “The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.”

Jesus expressed a range of emotions while here on Earth, as well, which allows him to relate to every one of us as humans. 

Jesus wept over the death of his friend Lazarus, had compassion for the crowd who followed him, expressed overwhelm and sorrow as he reminds his disciples of his coming death, exhaustion from teaching, anger when he saw them selling in God’s temple, and frustration with his disciples when they didn’t understand when he was teaching them, just to name a few. 

There are many examples of emotions by God’s people as we read through the stories in the Bible including Cain killing Abel because he was jealous, King David's lustful emotions toward Bathsheba, and Joseph overcome with emotions when he saw his brother - he broke down and wept. We feel emotion all throughout our bodies. Emotions have been around since man was created by God. There are all kinds of emotions found in the Bible - love, fear, sadness, anger, peace, joy, exhaustion, frustration, hate, and many more.  

Doesn't that all sound like us? 

2. God says “Fear not!”  
Merriam Webster has two definitions of emotions - an essential definition and a full definition. The essential definition says that emotions are a strong feeling. The full definition says that emotions are a conscious mental reaction such as anger or fear that are subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Positive emotions allow us to experience love, and give us the ability to connect and have relationships with others. Negative emotions, when unmanaged, can keep us separated from God, and we are unable to experience his full blessings and abundant life that he has for us. 

Fear is one of the most mentioned feelings in the Bible. 

Fear can mean many things and in a healthy way, can keep us safe from danger. A ‘Spirit of Fear’ is directly from Satan, and God warns us about this over and over. In fact, in some versions of the Bible, “Fear not!” is mentioned 365 times, one time for each day of the year. Other versions, such as the King James may relay this same idea as “Do not be afraid.” I don’t know about you, but it would do me good to read that verse each day to prepare me for all of my thoughts, and to remind me to rely on Him always. I have struggled with fear my whole life. In fact, the first scripture I identified with was 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind”. 

  3. God has given us specific instructions when it comes to managing our emotions. 

When God created Adam and Eve, he gave them specific instructions for living in the Garden of Eden. He told them that they have dominion over all things, and they could eat from any tree they wanted except for the one tree. Satan made Eve envious to know what God knows, the knowledge of good and evil. He created feelings of distrust of God.  

God wants us to pour our hearts out to him and trust him with our innermost hurts, needs, and desires. He wants nothing more than a relationship with you. We are supposed to go to him first, cast our burdens and anxieties on him because he cares for us, and he will sustain us.  It is also incredibly unhealthy to not pay attention and recognize our emotions. If you are looking for a great read, you can check out the book "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die" by Karol K. Truman. 

God tells us to rest and renew our mind. (Romans 12:2)
We shouldn’t go a hundred miles an hour all the time. Have you ever noticed that when you are tired, completely depleted, that you are more emotional? That definitely rings true for me. We were made with the need to rest and to be filled up.

Our thoughts lead to our emotions. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
When we think of emotions, we might not think much about our thoughts and how they might affect our emotional status. God says we must take every thought captive. We need to run all of our thoughts through His filter before we let them influence how we feel. 

Do not be anxious about anything. (Phillipians 4:6-7) 
Do I need to say this one again? God means don't be anxious about anything. Easier said than done sometime, isn't it? Bring everything good, and bad to our Father.
And finally, “In your anger, do not sin…” (Ephesians 4:26) 
Emotions are normal, how you control or manage them is what matters the most. Our emotions simply tell us how we are really doing, how our heart is doing at that moment in time. 

We must learn to give ourselves some grace when it comes to our emotions. And don’t forget that our emotions certainly do not define us, only our relationship with God does. Embrace your emotions… they are part of the immaculate, intricate work that God did when he created us, and a gift that makes us human. 

At the end of the day, God is, has always been, and will always be about LOVE.  And love is the greatest emotion of all.  

A Bold Statement: One Thing You Need As Part of Your Healing Journey

A Bold Statement: One Thing You Need As Part of Your Healing Journey
Today I am willing to put myself out there and make a bold belief statement. 

I don’t believe that it is possible to experience complete healing from your trauma  without including God in your healing process. 

I would even take it a step further and say that I don’t believe anyone can live a life full of abundance without a relationship with God. Period. End of story. 

Our previous trauma does not define us, and it certainly doesn’t get to dictate what the rest of our lives looks like.

Women who have experienced domestic abuse or trauma from someone they love have been hurt. Hurt emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Her heart has been injured, she has felt unworthy, not valued. She has known anger and anxiety and depression and despair. These are not any adjectives that would describe as living a life of abundance. So how do we get there? Do we even have a chance to live an abundant life if we cannot undo all the things that have happened to us? 

How would you describe living an abundant life? Those who don’t know Jesus may only describe it as having a great family, a career they love, having a full bank account, nice cars to drive or a healthy family. That wouldn’t be wrong. But if you know Jesus, you know there is more to it.

And many people do not know what they don’t know. 

How many women do you know that have all of that, but are absolutely miserable? After spending many years of my life in both physical and/or emotional abusive relationships, I would describe my life then as chaotic, unstable, inconsistent, fearful, unloving, stressful, overwhelming, and let’s face it… I was poor. I was a hot mess. 

As I went through my healing journey, my eyes began to open. I began to understand my past and make sense of what happened to me. I began to actively seek a relationship with Jesus. I experienced release. I experienced forgiveness. I began to have hope. 

I now define abundance as the perfect peace. 

Perfect peace that is only found in Jesus. Abundance is also Love. Security. Safety. Feeling worthy. No drama. It almost sounds impossible that an abundant life, full of peace, after abuse could even be possible. Sister, I promise you that it is. 

There is a miracle waiting for you. 

There is a way to completely move into a life that God has purposefully and intentionally planned for you 

Jeremiah 29:11-14 says, "For I know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and will bring you back from captivity. "

How beautiful is that. God made a promise to us.

According to Strong’s, here are some words describing what God meant when he said, 
To Prosper You:
 completeness, soundness, welfare, peace, safety, soundness (in body), welfare, health, prosperity, quiet, tranquillity, contentment, friendship - of human relationships & with God.

Sign me up for that prosperity. 

Right now, I want to give you three things to do to start accessing the life that God has waiting for you…

1. Submit to Jesus. Lay everything, all of it, at his feet. Pour your soul out to him. You’re not telling God anything that he doesn’t already know, but he wants to hear it from you. He wants to know that you know that you need his help and seek a life of abundance. 
2. Actively seek a relationship with him. That means reading and studying his word every day. Find a Bible study to learn through, a support system, and talk to him as you go through your day. 
3. Worship him through music. He loves when we sing to him. 
Psalm 100:2 says, "Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing."  
Psalm 63:3-4 "Because your love is better than life,
                               my lips will glorify you.
                               I will praise you as long as I live,
                              and in your name I will lift up my hands."

Express your gratitude for being out of that horrible place and now being safe physically and emotionally. Get ready to connect with him and feel his presence. 

You are a survivor, an overcomer! 

You have walked through more fires in your lifetime than some could even imagine. Expect that you will experience abundance beyond your imagination! Peace in your mind, peace in your life. Security. Love. Invite God into your healing journey. Rely on him, access him, love him.  And he will love you back, because he always has.

Why do we tend to underestimate our immune system?

Why do we tend to underestimate our immune system?

Why do we tend to underestimate our immune system? I remember when my sisters were little. They were sick all the time. Every time we would take them to the doctor, each would come home with their bottle of pink liquid. 10 days worth of antibiotics every. single. time. 

So Dylan was recently quarantined. He sat 2-3 feet away from a child who tested positive for COVID. Ironically, about 5 minutes before we got the phone call from his teacher, he had told me he had a sore throat. The next morning he woke up congested. That night he had a 100.7 fever. 

This mama mind immediately prepares for the worst case scenario. 

Listen, rational me knows that there are a million other viruses out there that are not COVID. We also live in Texas where allergens are high, and it’s not unusual for us to get a little sinus infection because of all the drainage. All very normal. On top of that, he just started school, so every year kids are thrown back together into a petri dish. And these are a completely new set of germs for Dylan since we just moved here. 

Under normal circumstances, I would let a few days go by and feel it out. No big deal. Despite what we may think, a little fever isn’t bad for the body, either. That means that our body is fighting off something that doesn’t belong in there. I was raised in a time that if you have even the slightest fever, you medicate to bring it down immediately. As long as it doesn’t get too high, the best thing we can do is to let it do its job. 

Our situation also had more abnormal circumstances - this was the weekend that his sisters were scheduled to come down. So, to protect their health, I went ahead and scheduled a doctor appointment and COVID test. I’m the mama who has always said I would never give my kid a test that involved sticking something that far up his nose. Never say never. Thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as it was when they first started administering them at the beginning of this insanity. I saw many a student (and parent) in my school traumatized because of these tests. 

I digress...

So two COVID tests later, it was determined that Dylan definitely does not have COVID, and just has a little sinus/throat infection most likely caused by allergies. Guess what the doctor sent him home with? Yep, the bottle of pink liquid. And it is still sitting in our refrigerator, untouched. Why? Because our bodies need to have a chance to fight it off itself first. There is a time and place for antibiotics, and I am thankful for modern medicine. As a mama, I chose to help support his immune system through essential oils and foods. Thieves on his feet and down his spine 4-5 times a day. RC on his chest to help open up airways. Minimize (if not completely eliminate) dairy and sugar. And next  time his little body is once again subjected to a virus, whether it be one of the million out there or COVID, I pray that his immune system is stronger and more confident in fighting it off.

If you are not yet supporting you and your family with essential oils, let me help you! One of my passions is teaching about the power of God’s plants and how they can keep you above the wellness line! Feel free to reach out to me or find more information HERE

"Thank you for letting me take a nap."

"Thank you for letting me take a nap."

This was something I told my amazing husband recently, with absolute sincerity. The older I get, the more I look forward to my Sunday naps after church. I can’t believe that I’ve magically become an “old person”, but I absolutely delight in those two hours of quiet time. 

There are times when memories of my previous trauma hit me in the face. Hard. I remember just after Dylan was born, I was sitting in his nursery, quietly rocking him to sleep. I sat and just stared at his little face. In that moment,  I was completely overcome and overwhelmed with pure gratefulness. I sat there and cried hard; big tears of gratitude. Just three years before at age 34, I had been told that I had no viable eggs and would probably never be able to have children. At that time, I was also living in the definition of misery, struggling to get myself out of an emotionally and physically abusive marriage. 

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.James 1:17 

Yet, here I was. Moments like that are beautiful - meant especially for me to soak in God’s goodness and His promises. 

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.John 10:10

The Enemy had worked overtime in my life. He came at me hard and had killed my dreams of a happy marriage, had stolen my peace and destroyed my chance to have a family. Ay that time, I carried the heavy shame of being married three times, and never believed that I would ever find happiness in marriage. 

Taste and see that the Lord is good;

blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

- Psalm 34:8

There are the big moments of gratefulness, then when you least expect it, there are the little moments that can also remind you of how different your life can look and how good God is.

As I was waking up from a recent Sunday slumber, I laid there a minute to take it all in before I got up to get busy again. My previous life crashed over me as I remembered days when I longed to take a nap. I remembered being so incredibly tired, like the kind of tired that brings you to tears, when you want nothing more than to rest your head and just cry yourself to sleep. Yeah, I had been there all too often. 

In my previous life, sleeping was not determined by me or my body’s need for rest. It was determined by my then husband. He controlled when I ate, woke up, and when I slept. It was nothing for him to come in at one or two o’clock in the morning to wake me up to drive him to the store for more beer or whatever else he decided he needed at that moment. There was no sleeping during the day. No way. I would be called every name in the book, told how lazy I was, and would have to endure whatever else followed in order to get me up. And he didn’t care what it took. 

That is no way to live a life. Sister, if you are reading this and you can relate to this in the slightest, I pray that you get out. I pray that God will give you the courage to leave and He will cover you with safety and protection. Believe me when I say that it is possible. God created you for so much more than that. There is a life outside of the control of another human being. 

“Stand at the crossroads and look;

ask for the ancient paths,

ask where the good way is, and walk in it,

and you will find rest for your souls…”

Jeremiah 6:16

When you stand at the crossroads and choose a different path, and finally find physical and emotional safety, I can help you process through the things that happened. I can help you find what your real life should look like, the one that God planned for you. And it’s a whole other, beautiful world. God is using my hurt to help others who have had a similar experience. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.Romans 8:28

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 

You are strong. You are beautiful. And through the peace that only Jesus can provide, you will have the best rest you could ever imagine. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”Matthew 11:28

Starting Somewhere.

Starting Somewhere.

I wish I could remember where I heard this quote:

“If you want to be successful in your business, you have to be willing to be seen.”

It struck me hard, because life experiences have kept me from wanting to be seen. For many years, I had success in living two different lives and keeping them completely separate. The Lord has been working on my heart, though, and has called me to be a light to someone’s darkness. To share my story. To provide a way for God to work through me to help other women. I cannot do that from the shadows. 

Social media does not come easy to me. Sharing my life and being the center of attention has always been uncomfortable for me. Yes, I know. Trust issues. I see myself as complex and easily misunderstood. You won’t really know me or my values from surface level information. 

It has taken me a long time to even think about putting myself out there. To show others my big picture dream and allow them to see ME. Who I am and what I have been through. What if I fail? What if I’m not good enough? What if people think (fill in the blank)? We all fear judgement on some level. 

In Genesis, Joseph says, ‘As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.’ Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.”

God has a calling on each of our lives. It is time I live out mine.

 It is time that God uses all the bad in my life for good, and for Him to use me to point them in His direction, His absolute love and devotion. To show them who they really are and who He made them to be.  

I want to help women who have come from a life of domestic or family abuse experience God’s redemptive power and watch Him give them a crown of beauty for their ashes. 

“to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor” -Isaiah 61:3

Last year I completed an executive coach training program. The year before that I attended the Christian Communicators Conference. Over the last few years, I have completed and continue to train in the area of inner healing, through which I have personally experienced so much freedom over the last few years. I continue to be a student of the Bible and learn more about who God is. 

I have been obediently training for what God has planned for me.

My husband and I also have this amazing property that will eventually be a full retreat center to work to be a part of our ministry. I look forward to personally working with women who have experienced trauma from domestic abuse, for church groups to utilize for retreats, and point those who visit to Jesus. 

There are years of work and preparation to be completed before my big vision becomes a reality. 

I have to start somewhere, and this is my somewhere.

Please keep me in your prayers. Pray for courage even when it’s unbelievably uncomfortable, for provision, and that I continue to see God’s light on my path. That I will continue to learn, grow and impact women by being vulnerable and sharing my story - all while praising and glorifying God along the way.

All you have to share will not be accepted by all...

All you have to share will not be accepted by all...

We own this little property in Southwest Texas that we use as a VRBO during the summer, and I have been praying for ways to also bring in income during the off-season. I decided to offer a Girlfriend Getaway. A weekend to reconnect with friends and have some fun. There are several activities to do around here and I would feed them yummy meals. I have been praying for the right people to accept the offer for this Girlfriend Getaway retreat. I look forward to the feedback on how to make it a great weekend so I can continue to offer it in the future. 

It was terrifying on my part to even put it out there to the public. From the very beginning, I promised myself I would trust God and His will. If this is part of His plan, it will be successful, and if it is not, then it won’t be. I know that I have to do my part by walking the path and let Him direct me which way to go. 

This morning I had a lady send me a message asking for more information. I messaged her back with my information page. She then asked for pictures of the property, so I sent her one of each room and a couple on the outside. Her response back to me was a bit shocking to me. She said *that* is what you are charging for? Followed by “LMAO”. I cannot lie, the comment stung. We have poured time, money, resources, and a whole lotta heart into this place to renovate and update to make it better. It made me question my offer, made me think I was charging too much, or we weren’t worthy of this opportunity. All my doubts came rushing to my mind. 

My response to her was simply thanking her for her inquiry, agreed it wasn’t a good fit, and sent blessings to her. My response to my husband was way less Christian, and I had to have a little chat with God repenting of my unnecessary comments. 

During my bible study that morning, I was reading about King Hezekiah. King Hezekiah was a man that wanted to do what was good, right, and faithful to God. King Hezekiah had wanted to bring the people together to celebrate Passover. So he sent out his couriers who went city to city to spread the message. But guess what, they were laughed at, scorned, and mocked. Their message was accepted and humbled by some, though, and those people came to Jerusalem. 

This caught my attention. They had a great message to share, but it wasn’t accepted by some. And the people were not nice about it. Hmmm… sounded familiar. But notice what the couriers did not do… they did not give up. We shouldn’t either. They continued to press on. And their message attracted those who were willing to be humbled and enjoy the celebration. They went on to do great things for God before they returned to their home. 

The enemy can and will attack when we are doing what God asks of us. Our job is to do what is good, right, and faithful in the eyes of the Lord. 

Until the Lord sends me the right people for this (or maybe He doesn’t and that's ok, too) I will keep on keeping on...

3 Ways You Can SHOW UP For YOURSELF Today

3 Ways You Can SHOW UP For YOURSELF Today

Have you ever found yourself hearing something said, but it’s not until the 900th time that it kind of hits home to you and you take a step back and you’re like oh, well yeah. That was me this morning. In the middle of my morning work out the instructor said “Showing up is half the battle. You are halfway through, and you’ve already done something for yourself today.” In that moment of personal recognition and celebration (I'm on day two of my workouts), I started thinking about other ways that I have started to show up for myself. So I want to share with you 3 ways that you can start showing up for yourself today.

#1 Move Your Body.

I know that sounds pretty obvious because I just talked about my work out this morning, but it really is about getting up and doing something physical every day. I remember when I was in the depths of depression and anxiety and all I wanted to do is sleep in my bed or lay around on the couch all day. I had no motivation to get up and do anything whatsoever. And when I was in therapy a few years later, my counselor told me that one of the best things for complex PTSD was exercise. Although I have gotten out of the habit in the last few years, I used to run every day. I had a hate-love relationship with running. I hated it until I loved it. It was time to think, time to reflect, and I used it as a time to pray and thank God. Exercise doesn’t have to be as big as we make it. It can be taking a walk around the block, it could be doing some stretching or yoga. It could be running or jogging or rowing. I think sometimes I tended to make it more of an obstacle then it should be because I didn’t have the right equipment or enough time or 1 million other excuses. Do something today for yourself, get up, take a walk, and as you do, find three things that you can see, three things you can smell, and three things you can feel. What are you grateful for? 1 Corinthians 10:31 says whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do all in the glory of God.

#2 Say something nice to yourself.

We can think of 1 million things to say about ourselves that are not nice. I have been guilty of speaking to myself in a way that I would never ever ever speak to another human being. What is something that you love about yourself? Find one thing. Train your brain to start thinking about yourself in a different way. It takes one little seed to start the change. If you love to write or even if you don’t, journaling is such a great way to get all the thoughts out of your head and clear your mind out. You are beautiful, you are fearlessly and wonderfully made by God. And God does not make mistakes.

#3 Call A Friend.

Reach out to somebody today. Community is so incredibly important. I know I tend to withdraw or compartmentalize my days. I am not a natural sharer of information of my life. But that’s exactly what I did this morning. I reached out to a friend on Marco Polo and just said hi and asked her how she was doing and caught her up on my life a little bit. It really does do the soul good when you can talk to people. I completely understand that trust issues are a problem with anyone dealing with the effects of trauma, however find your tribe, find your community that you feel safe in because it’s not until you feel safe that you will grow and flourish and be able to speak your truth and be authentic. Galatians 6:2 says to bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. There are so many lonely people out there. They just need someone to talk to or share their day with or just be real with. They can do that for you too. Community is important.

You are beautiful. You are worth it. You were made in the image of God, and God does not make mistakes. Keep rising, Sister!

Next Step: Join my FaceBook Group! My vision is to create and build a supportive, safe community in my free Facebook group Rising + Thriving Survivors of Domestic Abuse & Family Trauma. It is a group specifically for women who have experienced domestic abuse or family trauma and are in a safe place physically and emotionally. Are you ready to release the pain of the past and find out what God has created you to be? This is a place where we can share each others lives and lift each other up as we navigate our healing process. You can access the link to our group here:  https://bit.ly/risingandthriving 

Stepping Out In Faith

Stepping Out In Faith
This was a defining moment. The girls had been playing and sliding down the waterfall for about an hour. And for about 55 minutes, they had begged and pleaded with their brother to go with them. One problem: he is still learning to swim, and a little afraid of the water. Finally they talked him into going up. He stood there for a good 3-4 looong minutes, and we all continued to gently encourage him. At this exact moment, he grabbed his sister’s hand and trusted her enough to take a step out into the water. 

He owned the “water slide” after that. It only takes once to step out in faith and experience a taste of success, and honestly a whole lot of fun in the process. 

What has been lurking just around the corner that you have wanted to try? What have you been a little afraid of? Today I encourage you to take that step out. Grab onto someone’s hand. Let me help encourage you. Don’t let fear stop you from moving forward, getting better, and trying something new. Own it, and have a little (or a lot) of fun in the process! 

I would love to help you in your personal growth process, and together we can create your own personal coaching plan. God’s perfect plan is waiting for you! Send me a message saying “I’m ready!”, or visit my website to book a free discovery call with me. Blessings to you!

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